(Selection) (D)

2019 Planungsleitfaden ambulant betreute Wohngemeinschaften
(Planning Guideline for Sheltered Flats with Ambulant Care for the Elderly)

With Dr. Sigrid Loch, Stuttgart University Federal state government publication.
Stuttgart pdf-download
2014 Mehr Generationendialog in Gemeinschaftswohnprojekten
(Increasing Crossgenerational Dialogue in Shared Housing Project)

Federal state government publication. Stuttgartt PDF DOWNLOAD
2009 SONG - Soziales neu gstalten:
Zukunft Quartier – Lebensräume zum Älterwerden
(Network Redesigning Social Life in Residential Environments:
Future of the Neighborhood – Opportunities for Growing Old)
Focus I: Mixed Care. Elderly People in balance between self-help and professional support.
Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh

SONG - Soziales neu gstalten:
Zukunft Quartier - Lebensräume zum Älterwerden
(Network Redesigning Social Life in Residential Environments:
Strengths and Weaknesses of inter-generational Residential Project)
Future of the Neighborhood – Opportunities for Growing Old.
Volume 1: Potentials of Selected Residential Projects
Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh

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